Frequently Asked Questions

IMPORTANT Information for members of Olds Minor Hockey regarding Concession Hours

(If your family has “opted-out” of the concession hours you do not have to participate during the season.)

I don't have time to work my hours. How do I complete them?

If you chose to have someone work your hours, you now must go through the concession manager. Once you have completed your registration, please contact the concession manager at oldsminor and she will assign an approved concession worker to complete your hours.

How do I get signed up to work my concession hours for Olds Minor Hockey?

The Concession hours that are available to work are organized on the website

Monthly Schedules and signups can be accessed HERE 


  1. Click on the Concession tab on the home page.  Here you will see some information details, then some links that correspond to the months available.
  2. Click on the month that you wish to seek out shifts.  You can then sign up for any available shifts.

You are required to work half of your 20 hours before the December cut-off otherwise you will be charged the penalty.  NO exceptions!!

PLEASE DO NOT WORK OVER 10 HOURS BEFORE CHRISTMAS UNLESS PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED FROM OMHA. This makes it unfair to others trying to get their required hours in before the December cut-off. If we see someone booking shifts over their 10 hours limit before December, we reserve the right to remove your name from the listing and open up the shifts for others.

Often as December approaches, more shifts become available than we have workers to fill them. Keep this in mind if you have difficulty in the early going of the season to get hours booked.

I've never worked the Concession before. What do I need to know?

If you are new to OMHA and the Concession, it is advised that you sign up with an experienced worker for your first few shifts. Please do not sign up for an opening or closing shift with your spouse or other inexperienced worker -- there are additional tasks required for these shifts that will require training from the manager or staff.

If you have children between the ages of 16 and 18 they can work in the Concession, however they MUST be on shift with a parent or other adult supervisor.

When are shifts added?

Shifts are typically added a couple of weeks at a time.  Additional shifts may be added as the month goes along - games are added to the schedule as the month goes and often different events are scheduled at the rink that requires the concession.

Check on a regular basis as the arena schedule changes this may affect your shift. We do our best to notify you if a change has been made to a shift you signed up for.

NOTE:  The start of the year the concession shifts are added more often. As teams are formed and league schedules come out there are shifts that may be added on a more frequent basis. Many of you may look at the sign up site and become frustrated that the spots are full. You must act fast when you get notification of new shifts available…but please know there will be other chances to book spots.

I have completed my pre-Christmas break hours, but I see the Concession is asking for help this weekend. Can I sign up?

ANYTIME you receive an email or see a notice on the website or on social media asking for help to fill shifts, PLEASE SIGN UP!! We send out the emails and post notices when it 'comes down to the wire' and we are very much needing help. We appreciate that you are trying to leave shifts available for others who need them, however it is more important to ensure that the Concession is properly staffed for these events.

How can I get the Email Notification?

It is strongly recommended that you check the website regularly to see if shifts come available.

While this will help keep you up-dated as to when new shifts are added to the site, it is not 100% foolproof. You are responsible for checking the website regularly for shift openings. Olds Minor Hockey is not responsible for persons not getting their shifts completed due to missed email notifications.

If you are not receiving or would like to add and alternate email to the concession sign up please contact the the concession manager.


Your workers must be over 16 years of age. All other rules of the Concession MUST be followed by all workers.
***Often you will see some FAMILIAR/FREQUENT faces in the Concession. This is because they are working the hours for other families within the organization. Also, our concession operation requires that persons trained in Food safety, etc, are present.  For this reason some volunteers may be called upon at specific times. This is at the discretion of the Concession Manager. 


Are there any rules I should be aware of?

The Concession Manager has procedures and rules that need to be followed to ensure a safe, well organized work environment for everyone. Please listen to the Manager and follow those rules at all times. The Concession Manager reserves the right to remove any worker that is not abiding by those expectations.

Please note some of these GENERAL RULES when signing up for your shifts:

  1. Workers must be 16 years of age, or older, to work shifts. Any inquiries or concerns regarding this matter can be discussed with the Concession Manager.
  2. Minors under the age of 18 must be on shift with a regular volunteer or paid employee/manager.
  3. If you have to make changes to your shift please inform, the Concession Manager, at 403-638-8166.
  4. While there is no specific “Dress Code”, please ensure you do not have loose clothing, long hair is tied back, and clothing is suitable & clean for a Family & Food Services Environment/Requirements.
  5. When working your shifts please do not bring children along into the Concession or to the Candy Counter (Grizzly Games).
  6. In keeping with the Safe Food Handling guidelines, and the Concession Managers preferences, please refrain from eating and drinking at the front counter while working. Volunteers' personal snacks and drinks can be consumed in the back where their personal belongings are kept while they work.
  7. NO CELL PHONES!! There is a task list of things that can be done if it is quiet. Keep your cell phones in the back room.

**Any additional guidelines will be presented in the Concession Manager.




Completed shifts are kept track of by the Concession Manager & Coordinator when you sign in and out of the concession.

Reminders will not be sent to families who still have hours to complete.