Referee in Chief
Kyle Hohenwarter
Interested in becoming a referee? Read the requirements below and reach out to Kyle our Referee In Chief if you have any questions.
- Minimum of 13 years old.
- Clinics take place between September 15 and November 30 annually.
- Register for the "HU-Officiating 1/2" Clinic. You must complete the Hockey University Officiating online course prior to registering for an in-class clinic. The course takes approximately three hours to complete.
- Once you have completed the online course, register for an in-class clinic.
- In order to register for a clinic on line you must have an eHockey account, click the EHockey link on the left to be re-directed to the eHockey site and follow the steps to create your account or log in using your existing email and password. If you are registered with Hockey Canada as a player or a coach you will already have an account in HCR and you should be able to register for a clinic with out setting up any additional accounts. For a step by step tutorial on how to create a eHockey account, CLICK HERE.
- After creating your account CLICK HERE to go be re-directed to the Dates and Locations section of the website and follow the appropriate steps to register. Please do not just show up to a clinic and expect to be able to attend as we have limited spots available based on the number of instructors assigned to the clinic.
- All clinics consist of classroom sessions and on-ice sessions. Bring your skates, helmet (with visor) and a Whistle to your on-ice session.
2024-2025 Clinic scheduled for Oct. 26th, 2024 in Olds
We will keep the info below, just in case things change.
The following links will walk you through the process of creating an account and registering for a clinic.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Kyle Hohenwarter at
Officials Scheduling
Game scheduling will be done using the Arbiter System. Please contact Kyle Hohenwarter at for more info.